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Title: New IO-Link Compatible Raspberry Pi Extension to Revolutionize Smart Sensor Connectivity
Germany, 22nd Feb 2024, King NewsWire - The highly anticipated launch of the IOL HAT, an IO-Link compatible Raspberry Pi extension, is set to transform the way single-board computers (SBCs) interact with smart sensors and devices. Developed as an add-on board (HAT) for Raspberry Pis and other SBCs, the IOL HAT enables seamless data exchange with SDCI sensors, actuators, and other IO-Link compatible devices. The IOL HAT boasts the ability to stack up to two boards, allowing users to connect up to four SDCI devices simultaneously. This innovative solution opens up a world of possibilities for integrating industrial sensors into SBC-based projects, providing access to real-world data in a variety of applications."SDCI is a standard with over 20,000 different devices on the market, mainly sensors. The IOL HAT bridges the gap between SBCs and these smart devices, offering a reliable digital interlink for fault-free data transfer, even in harsh environments or with cable lengths up to 20 meters."Key features of the IOL HAT include a physical interface for smart devices through two SDCI ports over [AL1] plug-in connectors, integrated hardware drivers, and a software stack for easy integration with applications in any programming language that can implement TCP sockets.Two versions of the IOL HAT will be available through the campaign, including one for use with Raspberry Pi 3B, 4B, or 5 models, and another for use with any SBC. Both versions offer a range of features, including an Analog Devices MAX14819ATM+ IO-Link Master Transceiver, 40 pin header to Raspberry Pi, 3.3 V, GND, SDCI port, 3.5 mm plug-in connector, bi-color LED per port, and 24 V power supply for SDCI devices.The project, including binaries, source code, and schematics, is hosted on Git...
This press release is issued by King Newswire