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Title: Thailand welcomes the world’s leading GREENfluencer Domitila Barros

Tokyo, Japan, 11th Jan 2024 — Domitila Barros, awarded as the most influential personality on social media in the category sustainability during the Cannes Film Festival last year, has touched down in Thailand, reinforcing the country's standing as a premier destination for ecotourism. Known as a GREENfluencer, Barros received the prestigious title: Millennium Dreamer event by Walt Disney, mc Donald’s and UNESCO in Florida 23 years ago.Domitila Barros is the first migrant and woman of color to be crowned Miss Germany, breaking barriers and championing diversity. An avid Asia and travel enthusiast, she has been recognized for her dedication to seeking out sustainable and eco-friendly experiences.Thailand, with its rich tapestry of natural wonders, has long been a haven for those seeking eco-friendly adventures. From the captivating pine forests in the north to the awe-inspiring maritime caves in the south, the country's commitment to preserving its environmental treasures has made it a magnet for nature enthusiasts. Domitila Barros, arriving in Thailand for a press conference, has already captivated audiences with both her beauty and her commitment to sustainable living. So they took the 3 most asked questions sent to Domitila in this article:Domitila How do you see the landscape of eco-friendly tourism evolving in Asia Thailand?I came to Thailand the first time with my best friend that is half Thai half German almost 10 years ago and felt in love! So I started learned more about this magical place. Last year when I came, Thailand shifted policies towards ambitious sustainability goals. The updated nationally determined contribution targets a 30–40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. A revised Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development Strategy e...

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