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Title: The Scandal of LimitlessX - Oprah's Image Misused Amidst Consumer Outrage. Part II

United States, 1st Dec 2023, King NewsWire -In the shadow of the colossus that is Oprah Winfrey's brand, LimitlessX stands accused, not just of peddling products under false pretenses but of a brazen misuse of Oprah's image to lure unsuspecting customers into an alleged scheme of deceit. Despite Oprah’s clear stance, made resoundingly public through a CNN release in October 2022, where she categorically denied endorsing any weight loss gummies or pills, LimitlessX reportedly continued to leverage her likeness to sell their products.Oprah's Legal StandoffThe audacity of LimitlessX's tactics has prompted Oprah to take legal action, as detailed in Bloomberg Law and Yahoo News reports. The lawsuit isn't merely about unauthorized endorsement; it's a battle for integrity, personal brand protection, and consumer rights. Oprah's legal move sends a strong message against the exploitation of celebrity status and stands as a beacon for those defrauded by such practices.The lawsuit alleges that LimitlessX, in a willful and conscious disregard for Oprah's rights, intentionally capitalized on her goodwill and fame to promote and sell "weight loss" gummies and CBD products. This misuse has not only potentially tainted Oprah's carefully curated brand but also misled countless consumers, many of whom turned to LimitlessX products under the false impression of her backing.Customers Bear the BruntThe outcry from customers has been vociferous. Reviews and complaints flood in, painting a picture of a company that not only exploited a renowned figure's image but allegedly engaged in systematic theft from their customers."I was going to order the bottles of gummies for $39 and found out that was per bottle when they charged me and I tried to back out but they took my money anyway," recounts L...

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