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Title: Architect Scott Hughes Honored for Design Excellence in Award-Winning Projects

Scott Hughes, an architect based in Florida has been recognized for his standout work in architecture. As the co-founder and principal of Hughes Umbanhowar Architects since 2010, Hughes has received awards for his creative designs that thoughtfully incorporate environmental principles. His projects, including homes and public buildings, are known for their beauty and practical, eco-friendly design. Hughes’s work shows his creativity and his respect for the unique qualities of each location. His designs have gained attention and praise, inspiring clients and other architects alike. 2014: A Year of Distinctive DesignAIATC Design Merit Award – Big Timber ResidenceIn 2014, Scott Hughes won the AIATC Design Merit Award for the Big Timber Residence. This award recognized the way the house blends modern design with the natural environment. The project was praised for creating a home that feels connected to the outdoors while offering a comfortable living space. Hughes’s ability to create a balance between nature and contemporary design was highlighted by this award.AIATC Design Merit Award – Holly Lane ResidenceThe Holly Lane Residence also received the AIATC Design Merit Award in 2014. This project stood out for its minimalist design, focusing on simplicity, space, and light. The house was appreciated for its modern luxury, which also considered environmental sustainability. Hughes’s careful attention to detail in using space and materials made this design special.AIATC Design Excellence Award – Via Marina ResidenceThe Via Marina Residence won an AIATC Design Excellence Award in 2014. This house was praised for its elegant design and the way it connects with the waterfront. The project was known for its beautiful layout, which made the most of the natural surroundings. H...

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