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Title: GoEast Mandarin Highlights the Evolution of Simplified Chinese Characters and the Role of Radicals in Language Mastery

China, 17th Oct 2024  - GoEast Mandarin, a renowned Chinese language learning platform, has announced a new educational focus on the evolution of Simplified Chinese characters and the significance of radicals in mastering the language. This initiative aims to enhance learners’ understanding of Chinese characters by delving deeper into the historical and structural development of the writing system.Simplified Chinese, developed to improve literacy rates in China, streamlines traditional characters while retaining key elements for meaning. Central to this are "radicals," which form the building blocks of Chinese characters. By introducing these essential components in a more structured and comprehensive manner, GoEast Mandarin seeks to provide its students with a solid foundation in character recognition, ultimately improving their proficiency in reading and writing.Standing beside Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Chinese writing system is one of the oldest in the world. Estimated to be as old as 3,000 years, over time the script has evolved. You may know that in the 20th century, the Chinese government introduced simplified Chinese characters to improve literacy and make writing more accessible to all of the population. Alongside this change, the structure and importance of radicals—the building blocks of Chinese characters—have also been simplified but remain a core aspect for people who learn Chinese. In this article, we’ll get to see how exactly Chinese characters were simplified and why radicals are essential to anyone seeking to learn Mandarin. The Origins of Chinese Characters The earliest Chinese characters date back to inscriptions on oracle bones from the Shang dynasty (around 1600–1046 BCE). These characters represented objects in stylized visual f...

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