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Title: Visa Information For Indian Visa Application For Netherlands, Croatian, Italian, Taiwan & Peru Citizens
United States, 16th Sep 2024 - India Visa For Netherlands Citizens: Before traveling to India, individuals from the Netherlands are required to get an Indian e-Visa. Starting from the year 2014, residents of the Netherlands have the opportunity to request Indian visas through online means. An e-Visa is a digital authorization connected to a passport that allows individuals to enter and leave India. The ease of online applications enables individuals from 169 countries to obtain an Indian visa without having to visit a physical office. Citizens of the Netherlands are eligible to request an Indian visa for tourism, business, or medical reasons. The Indian Tourist Visa permits multiple visits in one year, with each stay restricted to 90 days starting from the entry date. The business visa for Dutch citizens in India is valid for a year upon issuance, permitting multiple entries and continuous stays of up to 180 days each. While the Indian Medical Visa for Dutch citizens have a shorter validity duration of up to 60 days from the date of issue, it allows for three consecutive stays of up to 60 days. Tedious embassy or consulate appointments and long waiting times for visas are a thing of the past with the implementation of the online visa application. Simply fill out the online application form and attach some required documents. TYPES OF INDIAN E-VISAIndia Tourist eVisaIndia Business eVisaIndia Medical eVisaDOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR NETHERLANDS CITIZENSValid passport – most Netherlands nationals can obtain passport without difficulty, and if you already have one, make sure that it is not expired.Digital photo of yourself – make sure that the photo is recent. You should not make face gestures in it, and the background should be white. Just scan it and be ready to uplo...
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