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Title: Elden Ring DLC 1.14 Best Colossal Swords (Builds) Tier List

New York, United States, 16th Sep 2024 - With the release of Elden Ring DLC 1.14, colossal weapons have received significant updates. Here's a detailed look at the best colossal weapons after the latest nerfs and buffs.Elden Ring DLC 1.14 Colossal Sword BuffsThese major buffs coming to colossal swords in Elden Ring 1.14 patch make these greatswords more insane and interesting to use:Heavy Attack Speed: The heavy attack is now faster, allowing for true combos with Storm Stomp. This is great for predicting and trading with opponents.Running Attack Roll Catch: The speed increase lets you follow up a running attack with a heavy attack roll catch.Light Attack Speed and Distance: The first light attack is quicker and lets you glide, making spacing and roll-catching easier.Elden Ring DLC 1.14 Best Colossal Swords (Builds) After BuffsAfter testing these buffs in the game, we are going to rank the top 6 best colossal swords in Elden Ring DLC 1.14 now: Giant CrusherThe Giant Crusher stands out as a top-tier colossal weapon. With the patch 1.14 updates, its crouch attacks received a speed buff, making them incredibly quick at 15 frames with hyper armor. This speed increase allows the Giant Crusher to hit like a truck while remaining a viable option in PvP. The combination of high damage, anti-air capabilities, and hyper armor makes it a formidable choice. If you're looking to get this weapon to complement a overpowered builds, consider checking out Elden Ring items for sale at Gamebuygold.com, where you can also buy Elden Ring runes. Golem HalberdAnother excellent option is the Golem Halberd, known for its powerful charge attacks. While not as fast as the Giant Crusher, it offers versatility with its range and damage output. The charge attack can catc...

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