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Title: Visa Information For Indian Visa Application Requirements For Medical Attendant Visa
Bangladesh, 5th Aug 2024 - Indian Medical Attendant Visa: The healthcare industry in India is expanding. India is recognized as a top provider of healthcare for chronic illnesses such as cancer, even though it is more affordable than developed countries. Relatives of patients receiving medical care in India can request the Indian Physician Assistant Visa, also known as the Indian Electronic Attendant Visa. Only family members of patients seeking treatment are eligible for Physician Assistant Visas in India. Traveling to India requires a valid passport and a visa. Up to two individuals may be eligible for a Medical Assistant visa if they are accompanying an e-Medical Visa holder to India for treatment. The visa expires after 60 days and cannot be extended. An e-Medical Visa holder can sponsor up to two family members for a Physician Assistant Visa. Visas for medical assistants have a duration of validity equal to that of the e-Medical visa. The e-Medical Assistant Visa, once accepted, is valid for 60 days from the date of arrival into India. Holders may stay in the country for this period or may leave and return up to 2 further times during these 60 days. Foreign visitors can obtain an Electronic Physician Assistant Visa three times a year. However, this type of visa can only be used to travel with someone who has an e-Medical Visa and is undergoing medical treatment in India. Visitors must complete an online application to obtain this type of visa. Applicants must also scan the biography page of their passport to successfully apply for the Physician Assistant Visa. Requirements for the India Medical Attendant VisaA valid passport issued by a country that is eligible to apply for an Indian e-Visa.The passport must not expire until at least 6 months after the in...
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