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Title: Pathways to a Greener Future: A Scientology Forum in Denmark on Sustainable Living

Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 1st Aug 2024 - To mark World Environment Day, the Church of Scientology in Denmark hosted a community event and discussion forum that brought together experts and enthusiastic supporters of nature, biodiversity and sustainability. In partnership with the branch of The Way to Happiness Foundation, the event aimed to raise awareness about urgent environmental issues and encourage collaborative efforts.The gathering featured a range of speakers who shared their knowledge and experiences on environmental conservation. A highlight was a project manager from the Copenhagen Municipality who spoke passionately about green initiatives. She offered advice on selecting plants for city greening projects and highlighted the benefits of certain roses in supporting insect populations. Her insights motivated attendees to take steps in their communities, illustrating that creating green spaces is achievable even in urban settings.Another engaging speaker was a biodiversity specialist who emphasized the role of bees and other insects in our ecosystem. With his catchy slogan "Bee Engaged" he stressed the significance of pollinators highlighting that a large percentage of flora and crops in Europe depend on insect pollination, for survival.The audience connected with his presentation, showing enthusiasm for getting involved in his projects that aim to protect these important species.The third guest speaker, who runs a farm and horse riding school in North Zealand shared her dedication to animal welfare and sustainable methods. She highlighted an approach to training horses that prioritizes communication and understanding over coercion, underscoring the significance of compassion in animal care practices.The gathering not celebrated nature but also aligned with...

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