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Title: Find Parking in Seconds with Parking Made Easy

Sydney, Australia, 25th Jun 2024 – Parking Made Easy helps drivers find parking easily, making it easier to get around without the hassle of looking for a good spot and paying parking fines. The platform goes beyond identifyingnearby commercial parking spaces to connect drivers with homeowners who have an empty driveway or garage. To simplify the lives of drivers even further, Parking Made Easy does not add a mark-up to the final price of these services. Finding parking while getting around can be time-consuming – and that is only the beginning of the troubles many drivers face. In addition to the time spent finding a legal parking space that is available for a reasonable amount of time, parking fees are exorbitant and only getting more so with time. Parking Made Easy eases the burden of finding parking by connecting drivers to residential parking which costs as much as 50% less than commercial parking. Drivers also have Parking Fine Protection, providing an exemption from expensive council parking fines. “The idea for Parking Fine Protection came to me when the timing belt of my car broke and I had to park in an illegal parking spot,” says Parking Made Easy founder Daniel Battaglia. “As I waited for the mobile mechanic to arrive, I was slapped with a huge parking fine for overstaying in this spot. Although I successfully appealed the fine, I wanted to help other drivers avoid similar unfair and unnecessary situations.” Many people end up in similar situations, with no choice but to pay expensive parking fines. Even worse, some people come back to their parking to find that their cars have been towed by the city. Parking Made E...

This press release is issued by King Newswire

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