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Title: DataBillity Launches New Billing and Payments Data Model for Deeper Consumer Insights

Seattle, WA, United States, 4th Jun 2024, King NewsWire - Databillity announces the launch of the DataBillity AI platform – a Data Experience Platform that enables businesses and brands to leverage their billing and payment data to supercharge selling experiences with predictive insights that deliver true personalization.DataBillity is the brain-child of co-founders and longtime technology veterans Bryan Guy and Jonathan Regalado. “From the lessons learned developing digital, BI and personalization platforms for Starbucks, T-Mobile, Microsoft, F5 Networks, our team understands that high quality buyer data is a catalyst for enabling personalization,” said Bryan Guy, CEO. “This makes commerce data, namely billing and payment transactions extremely compelling and the key to delivering personalization as nothing speaks more about a person than what they spend their money on.”But even the giants struggle with personalization due to data silos, the lack of technology and predictive intelligence centered on high quality buyer data. “Personalization is a differentiator for any business and it takes a data strategy and team of technologies to do that. For example, CDPs and CRMs are absolutely necessary, so we’re not here to replace these technologies, instead, we lean into our mastery of billing and payment data and augment these platforms to generate better insights, customer experiences and opportunities to monetize the millions and sometimes, billions of rows of transactional data that they’re sitting on” continued Bryan Guy, CEO.Like the popular Capital One slogan “What’s in your wallet?” DataBillity actually knows what is in consumers’ wallets. To go along with its technology, the company is building a compelling proprietary dataset that assigns and enriches personas based...

This press release is issued by King Newswire

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