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Title: Lectures in Pure Mathematics at the University of Sofia, 2019: Volume 1

Ireland, 31st May 2024, King NewsWire - Dr. Jonathan Kenigson is proud to announce the release of his latest book, Lectures in Pure Mathematics at the University of Sofia, 2019: Volume 1. This work, rooted in a series of compelling lectures delivered at the University of Sofia in Bulgaria, delves into advanced topics that bridge philosophy and mathematics, offering readers profound insights into Wittgenstein modal semantics, structuralism, psychologism, and the debates surrounding mathematical platonism and nominalism. Dr. Kenigson’s book represents a meticulous and scholarly examination of these complex themes, making contributions to contemporary mathematical discourse. "Lectures in Pure Mathematics" is poised to become a useful resource for mathematicians, philosophers, and academics seeking to deepen their understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of mathematics.Key Features of the Book: - Structuralism:A detailed exploration of structuralism in mathematics, highlighting its influence on modern mathematical thought.- Psychologism:An examination of psychologism and its impact on the interpretation of mathematical concepts.- Mathematical Platonism and Nominalism: A rigorous discussion on the enduring debate between mathematical platonism and nominalism, offering fresh perspectives on these philosophical positions.Dr. Kenigson’s lecture notes composed at the University of Sofia were highly regarded for their depth and clarity, making complex subjects accessible to both seasoned scholars and enthusiastic students. This volume encapsulates the essence of those lectures, preserving their intellectual rigor and engaging style and including an extensive bibliography.About the Author:Dr. Jonathan Kenigson is a mathematician and philosopher with a distinguish...

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