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Title: Hyphened-Nation: A Deep Discussion of American Identity

  "Hyphened-Nation: Don't Check the Box" is a deeply personal and intellectual book, an attempt by Nicole Draffen to explore American identity by challenging the ethnic-first labels that have literally defined the social fabric of the United States from long ago.That aside, the book has met with wide recognition; the book has captured not only the praise of the general public but also prestigious recognition in the form of The Independent Authors Network Book of the Year Award, indieBRAG B.R.A.G. Medallion, and The Wishing Shelf Book Awards, besides garnering the coveted Kirkus "Get it" rating, marking the book as one of significance in contemporary literature.Draffen called out to the nation, a nation diversely eclectic, to take a second look at those hyphenated identities that it represents with so much pride. She based her argument on her experiences while living abroad, where she duly noted that nationality was not necessarily ethnicity. It is this epiphany that serves as the starting point for her argument against the American tendency to identify oneself with hyphenation, which, more than anything else, serves to draw divisional lines instead of unity.The interest it has evoked generationally in more ways than one; it has resonated with Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X, cohorts known and recognized for their progressive views on identity and inclusivity. Draffen gives the readers a new prism through which to view the complex weaving of American society, personal, public, historical, and contemporary threads that all of it really is."Hyphened-Nation" is far from a simple academic discourse; it is a personal journey, an invitation to join a conversation that is basic to all self-definition. Draffen tells her own story, analyzing the culture to gain a new pers...

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