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Title: First Mobile Phone Call in History, Shame & Rockaway part of thought provoking Shorts premiering at New Media Film Festival Los Angeles

"Shame," directed by Kelly Lynn Warren, is a powerful narrative that delves into the harrowing effects of sexual assault and the often silent struggle with trauma that can lead to tragic outcomes. The film aims to shed light on the complex emotions of shame and the importance of addressing such trauma to prevent further harm. On the other hand, "Rockaway," directed by Kerstin Ebert, presents a poignant story of grief and the journey towards healing. With a melancholic undertone, it explores the process of making peace with loss and moving forward. Both films are set to premiere at the festival, offering audiences a chance to engage with these significant themes and the artistry of independent filmmaking. The New Media Film Festival® is a vibrant celebration of innovation and creativity in digital media. The 2024 lineup is particularly exciting, featuring 106 new media films and content, including premieres from Broadway talent, Grammy nominees, a New York Times bestselling author, and Emmy winners. This festival is a testament to the dynamic evolution of storytelling in the digital age, showcasing a diverse range of voices and perspectives. With a mix of World, U.S., and L.A. premieres, the festival promises to be a hub of inspiration and industry advancement. Attendees can look forward to a rich schedule June 5-6 2024 filled with online screenings, Q&As, surprise guests, raffles, and an international art exhibit, all set to take place at the Look Cinema in Los Angeles, California.Directed by Kerstin Ebert from USAL.A. PremierStarring Sharlene HartmanDirected by Kelly Lynn Warren from USAWorld PremiereCast & CrewSophia Cofino, Wayne Jay, Eduardo Resende, Hussain Najam, Alejandro Solis, Joanna Cabalquinto, Danielle Sanfilippo, Nakiya Martinoni, Bill Web...

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