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Title: ECH Transforms Healthcare Data with Cutting-Edge Blockchain Technology.

Melbourne, Australia, 22nd May 2024 - ECH, a pioneering decentralized healthcare platform, is set to transform the healthcare industry by enabling secure, fast, and transparent exchange and usage of medical data. By leveraging advanced blockchain technology, ECH offers a user-focused electronic health record (EHR) system that ensures data accuracy, security, and user control, marking a significant leap forward in patient-centric healthcare. Revolutionizing Health Data ManagementECH utilizes Hyperledger Fabric, a permission-based blockchain architecture, to manage health records. This robust system allows users to control who views their records, the extent of access, and the duration, ensuring privacy and security. Each interaction with medical data is recorded on a distributed ledger, making it auditable and transparent.Innovative ApplicationsECH is developing two groundbreaking applications to enhance the platform's functionality:Telemedicine Application: This application enables users to consult with doctors remotely via phone for a small fee. During consultations, doctors can access patients' health records, facilitating more informed and effective care.Health Data Marketplace: This marketplace allows users to negotiate terms for third-party use of their health data, such as for medical research. Users are compensated in ECH tokens, empowering them to unlock the value of their data.Hyperledger Fabric: The Hyperledger blockchain network is permission-based, requiring users to sign up for access. Network permission is managed using Hyperledger modeling and access control languages. Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions, featuring a modular architecture that offers high levels of confidentiality, resilience, flexibility, and scalability...

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