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Title: Breaking Boundaries: Helixbeat Expands Horizons with Acquisition of OrangeSiri

Helixbeat Product & IT Services proudly announces the successful completion of its acquisition of OrangeSiri, a distinguished offshore IT services company recognized for its innovation and expertise.This strategic move signifies our unwavering commitment to expanding our capabilities, exploring new horizons, and providing elevated value to our customers, especially within the healthcare and benefits management sectors, and beyond. By joining forces with OrangeSiri, we're poised to offer a comprehensive suite of customized IT solutions and services, precisely designed to meet the evolving needs of today's rapidly changing landscape.At Helixbeat, our ethos revolves around innovation, excellence, and unwavering customer satisfaction. With the integration of OrangeSiri's proficient team and state-of-the-art technologies, we're poised to accelerate innovation, drive operational efficiencies, and consistently deliver exceptional outcomes for our valued customers.CEO of Helixbeat, Shan Kumar, shared his thoughts on this monumental occasion, stating, "The acquisition of OrangeSiri marks a significant milestone for Helixbeat. We are thrilled to welcome their talented team into the Helixbeat family. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of technology and set new standards of excellence in the IT services industry."Rest assured, our dedication to providing best-in-class solutions and unparalleled customer service remains resolute. We're committed to ensuring a seamless integration process, working tirelessly to mitigate any disruptions to our ongoing operations.As we embark on this exciting journey together, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers, partners, and stakeholders for their continued support and trust in Helixbeat. We eagerly anticipate the op...

This press release is issued by King Newswire

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