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Title: Chasing the light - A material pioneer Phomi leads the world trend of BIPV with their eBIPV

China, 9th May 2024, King NewsWire - Among all the new buildings, the best embodiment of near-zero energy consumption buildings is the ones equipped with the Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV). BIPV is a technology that integrates solar power generation capability into buildings and related materials. It is a type of distributed photovoltaic power station. In the foreseeable future, all buildings are anticipated to transform from pure energy consumers into independent power stations.There is no doubt that distributed photovoltaics with BIPV as the outlet has a huge potential. However, 90% of the existing BIPV products on the market are applied directly on building roofs, making it more appropriate to call them BAPV (Building Attached Photovoltaic). Simply put, they are "attached" photovoltaic, because a building can be seen at a glance whether photovoltaic products are installed. In fact, the existing architectural design of distributed rooftop photovoltaics is difficult to integrate with the building itself. BAPV is essentially the "ugly cousin" of BIPV. BIPV, as the name suggests, should be an integrated product that seamlessly combines photovoltaics and construction. Although BIPV components have photovoltaic power generation performance, they are basically a building material. As a result, the real BIPV should have more prominent building material properties and more diverse architectural application scenarios, including but not limited to roofs and building facades.Although the average efficiency of photovoltaics used on facades is temporarily lower than that of rooftop photovoltaics, the total facade area of any building is much larger than the roof area. In addition, the incident angle of the sun changes all the time throughout the day. The total potent...

This press release is issued by King Newswire

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