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Title: The Needed Evolution Towards Performance Education

Canada, 19th Apr 2024 - BECAUSE…The very way one learns to perform today ‘PREVENTS’ the realization of exposing one’s full skill potential. The teachings are generally correct towards the understanding of ‘WHAT’ to do in order to capture the knowledge of one’s chosen passion. But there is a major interest being neglected pertaining to ‘HOW’ one via the mind can manifest the ‘WHAT’ understandings.BECAUSE…Today’s main method of learning by way of listening, watching, and then mimicking an exterior focus, places one’s mind in a ‘SECONDARY’ weaker position, in return demanding about 10% of one’s mental awareness. But now the future is introducing itself to the present, providing directional change from yesterday’s past which will begin a journey of transition from the 10% into 100%. As a performance development expert, I find myself in the proper light after decades of study and research In which to promulgate new information that is much more rewarding towards personal value in terms of results. The teachings are quite different from all other classical approaches towards learning as one’s mind will become paramount placing it in a stronger and more beneficial position during development accompanied by the need to recognize and implement performance principles. Here is one example; ‘If the mind controls the body, shouldn’t the mind be leading the way ‘DURING’ development training?’BECAUSE…When you exercise the body more can be achieved physically, well when you exercise your mind much more can be achieved mentally and if the mind controls the body you will own the knowledge to elevate your skill level via performance principles to the highest level. On this note allow me to introduce the highest tier level of skill development possible- ‘Performology.ca’.BECAUSE…Learning b...

This press release is issued by King Newswire

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